Print SharePoint wiki pages all at once 24 November 2011 Have you come across a scenario when you have multiple wiki pages on your sharepoint site and you want to print them all? I think it will be a...
SharePoint blog with attachment capability workaround 24 November 2011 By default there are not any settings in sharepoint to enable attachments with blog posts. It is not a perfect way to do this, but worth to mention on my...
SharePoint Cloud Based Service Providers 24 November 2011 I have listed few cloud based service providers for SharePoint. If you guys came across any other cloud based service please add it in comments. I am just trying to put all...
Configure performance counter for SharePoint environment 23 November 2011 I have explained below how you can setup base line and incident performance count for your sharepoint server. This will allow producing a baseline of the source depletion over a...
Creating users alerts using PowerShell in SharePoint 2010 23 November 2011 We had a requirement in SharePoint 2010 to automate the creation of alerts based on SPS group membership. After spending some time searching for solution I have managed...
Moving Items Between SharePoint Lists 23 November 2011 I came across a scenario where I want to copy large amount of content from one sharepoint list to another. I have done this by creating custom view on lists and...
Show files extension in document library view 15 November 2011 If you have a custom view on document library where you need to show the each file name with extension. This is fairly simple and can be done this...
Remove “View all site content” link in SharePoint 2007 11 November 2011 Follow these steps to remove “View All Site Content” link form SharePoint 2007 site 1. Open your site master page in SharePoint designer 2. Go to the...
Custom master page deployment in SharePoint 2010 20 May 2011 Today I am going to show you that how easily you can deploy your custom master page as a SharePoint feature and it automatically change the site default master...